Let's Talk About SEX November 14, 2014 buffalo buffalo born leather condom condom keeper condoms gift handmade handcrafted handmade leather leather condom holder leather condom keeper thin ice thin ice elmwood +
Wine Glass Painting Party at Thin Ice! October 30, 2014 art class on elmwood art classes on elmwood creative ideas elmwood elmwood avenue local artists local gifts buffalo thin ice thin ice elmwood wine wine glass painting wine on elmwood wine party +
Envisioning Autumn Vision Board Event at Thin Ice September 07, 2014 beautiful tuesday dream big envisioning autumn have faith law of attraction sara dinatale set your intentions thin ice trust the universe vision board vision boarding +
Health and Wellness Classes at Thin Ice February 23, 2014 buffalogalorganics chakras classes elmwoodavenue good for you healing holistic healing holistic skin care makeup meditation natural beauty natural health nutrition class nutrition classes thin ice +