Thank you to the man who came in and informed me he used to own the building Everything Elmwood is in and had a childrens' clothing store there; "Back when this street had something going on." I especially appreciated the tone and sneer you incorporated into that statement. I like when people come in spouting negativity as it affords me the opportunity to reflect on all the wonderful things I love about my city, my community, my block, my everything. So thank you, whomever you are, who also was kind enough to point out I had no "love" cards. Apparently your eyes don't work. Otherwise you would have seen a business in every store front, cars lining the street, people shopping in the stores, and many "love" cards for sale in my store. Regarding your claim that you used to have a business where Everything Elmwood is... when? Everything Elmwood has been around for 300 years and will be there for 300 more. They obviously know what they're doing. You obviously didn't, just as you don't know what you're talking about. I look forward to you not coming to the city again, as it has nothing to offer people like you.