Jean vs Merlin's

Earlier today Jean, Elmwood All-Star Extraordinaire, was minding her own business, walking down the street, yelling about something or other, as she harmlessly does. Al, the tall, lanky Merlin's regular who conveniently lives above the bar seemingly to optimize on the amount of hours he can spend drinking, happened to be outside Merlins, drinking. Al went after Jean, blowing a paper horn directly in her face, followed her into the street, through the intersection, in the middle of traffic, and eventually moved directly in front of cars, forcing them to stop. This, of course, upset Jean, who began to yell louder and become visibly upset. I opened my door to let Jean in and as I was exchanging words with Al, who was claiming to be "giving her a taste of her own medicine" my awesome neighbor Brian, of Brian Art Galleries, came over and began exchanging heated words with Al as well. In the end Brian called the police on Al and Jean stayed in my store until she felt comfortable leaving. The moral of the story? You do not go after people with paper horns. You do not follow people into traffic blowing a horn in their face. Jean may get on your nerves with her incessant yelling and cussing but she is a person and does not deserve to be treated as Al treated her.


Anonymous said…
Well said. Jean needs help, not "a taste of her own medicine". Whatever her story, it's sure to be more compelling and worthy of our assistance than that of one of the many mid-afternoon drunks at Merlins.